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Craft-Turney WSC New Water Well
September 10, 2021
As the result of the Texas Water Development Board financial assistance program, Craft-Turney Water Supply Corporation has achieved several missions.
As of August 18, 2021, Craft-Turney Water Supply Corporation's New Water Well located behind the Corporation Office building is up and running. The water distribution system now has a total of three groundwater wells.
Construction projects and/or equipment improvements for Plant facility upgrades at Plant #1 (behind Corp office building), Plant #2 (CR 3104), the Standpipes building (FM 2138 & CR 1814), Union Grove Well (FM 1910), and Batton Looop Well (CR 1905) have been partially completed. Current completion date of December 2021 for all facilities.
TWDB SRF Project Public Awareness Certification
September 17, 2020
In an effort to communicate the positive impact and benefits received from the State Revolving Fund (SRF), the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has created the guidance, based on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) initiative guidance to increase public awareness surrounding the improvements communities receive resulting from SRF (State Revolving Fund) financial assistance, that more communities and citizens of Texas are informed of the direct and tangible benefits that SRF (State Revolving Fund) financial assistance provides.
For this purpose, Craft-Turney WSC is posting the TWDB from 1109A in reference to the Craft-Turney WSC New water Well, TWDB Project Number 62755, being constructed behind the Corporation office building at 505 SE Loop 456, Jacksonville, TX 75766.
New Well Funded By Texas Water Development Board
April 02, 2020
Craft-Turney Water Supply Corporation will be soon constructing a Texas Water Development Board funded new groundwater well that will be located behind the Corporation office building. Test Well construction has presented positive results, therefore construction will continue with the drilling of the New Well in the very near future.
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July 19, 2019
Working harder to better serve and communicate with our community we have launched a new website for our water customers. Check it out and let us know what you think. Subscribe today!